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Download the Big Picture

Subject to the important notice below, you can download a copy of the SAFe Big Picture in multiple formats. There are four configurations, each designed to meet the needs of every possible implementation scenario, from the most basic to the most complex. Not sure which one is right for you? Click here to learn more.

Choose from four configurations

Full SAFe

Full SAFe represents the most comprehensive configuration. It supports building large, integrated solutions that typically require hundreds of people or more to develop and maintain.

Portfolio SAFe

Portfolio SAFe is for enterprises building solutions that require a modest number of Agile teams. It supports the development of multiple solutions, which have minimal dependencies on one another.

Large Solution SAFe

Large Solution SAFe is for enterprises that are building large and complex solutions, which do not require the constructs of the portfolio level.


Essential SAFe is most basic configuration of the framework and it provides the minimal elements necessary to succeed with SAFe.

Download the Implementation Roadmap

The SAFe Implementation Roadmap overviews a strategy and an ordered set of activities that have proven to be effective in successfully implementing SAFe.

Based on proven organizational change management strategies, the SAFe Implementation Roadmap overviews the steps, or ‘critical moves,’ an enterprise can take to implement SAFe in an orderly, reliable, and successful fashion.

Download the SAFe Overview

The SAFe Overview provides a simplified view of the Framework’s Seven Core Competencies of Business Agility and their twenty-one dimensions that enable business agility. The execution-related competencies are shown the left, while the competencies that support strategy development are on the right. The Lean-Agile Leadership competency which is the foundation is in the bottom middle. The customer is prominently featured at the center as the focal point for all the competencies. Measure and Grow at the top right is a reminder of the importance of periodic self-assessments to track the organization’s progress towards the principles and practices that enable business agility.

This overview is a useful tool for providing an initial orientation to SAFe, as well as an introduction to the business agility assessment, and for framing conversations with senior leaders.

Download 8.5 x 11
Download 48 x 60
Download A4

Download SAFe Posters

SAFe Principles

The SAFe Principles poster lists ten immutable, underlying Lean and Agile principles upon which SAFe is based. These are the fundamental tenets, basic truths, and economic underpinnings that drive the roles and practices that make SAFe effective.

Agile Manifesto

Agile development is the heart of SAFe. While there is no one perfect definition, the Agile Manifesto is the foundational document. It’s four values and twelve principles have withstood the test of time and continue to be the touchstone by which true agility can be judged and recognized.

SAFe Core Values


これらの原則は、SAFeポートフォリオに参加する全員の行動とアクションを導くのに役立ちます。 権威ある立場にある人々が、自分たちの言葉やアクションを通してこれらのバリューを手本を示すことで、組織の他のメンバーがこれらの理想を受け入れやすくなります。

SAFe Flow Accelerators

Each flow property is subject to optimizations, and often many steps encounter unnecessary delays, bottlenecks, and other impediments to flow. Making value flow without interruptions can best be achieved by adopting the eight ‘flow accelerators’ described in this article. These powerful accelerators of value are relevant to all Framework levels, but the challenges differ for each.

Order SAFe 6.0 Big Picture Travel Fabric Posters

Need a Big Picture in the field, but don’t want to lug around a giant poster board? SAFe is available in a handy crease-resistant fabric that is so lightweight it will fit in your laptop case! Specifically formulated for high-resolution printing, the SAFe travel-fabric poster features crisp images and graphics.

The Fine Print

All copyrights in the above graphics remain the property of Scaled Agile, Inc., but we hereby grant permission to the person or entity downloading them to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and use these graphics, free of charge, on the condition that:  (1) you do not compete with any product or training provided by or for Scaled Agile, Inc. or its licensees, and (2) you do not modify any of the graphics or remove any trademark or copyright. You do not have the right to create any derivative works based upon them without the express written permission of the copyright holder, Scaled Agile, Inc.