SAFe Experts Interview:Dr. Mik Kersten, Rebecca Davis, Harry Koehnemann

By Rebecca Davis

SAFe Summits are energizing and incredible for so many reasons. One reason is all the incredibly smart, passionate, and experienced people you get to hang out with!

We are thrilled to share one of the conversations from the 2024 SAFe Summit in Berlin. Harry and I had the privilege to sit down with the best-selling author, CTO, and all-around good guy, Dr. Mik Kersten. Together, we discussed insights on harnessing value stream organizational patterns to revolutionize the way we work. Mik shared an innovative use of Flow Framework data coupled with AI technologies. What was the goal? To frequently optimize the organizational structure of teams and Agile Release Trains (ARTs). Mik shares how he and his peers use data to maximize value delivery by consistently ensuring a more fluid, responsive organizational structure.

from left to right, rebecca, mik and harry sitting in chairs

The conversation also shed light on cultivating team autonomy. By minimizing dependencies and accelerating delivery processes, teams can experience a significant boost in efficiency and satisfaction in their day-to-day operations. This autonomy speeds up the workflow and injects a greater sense of joy and fulfillment into the workplace. We also chatted a bit about leadership and decision-making. Effective leaders play a crucial role in identifying the optimal moments and methods for incorporating automation. Great leaders aren’t replacing human involvement with AI but rather enhancing it—leveraging automation to accelerate the organization’s strategy while valuing and fostering human ideas and creativity.

We found this conversation to be a treasure trove of valuable insights for anyone looking to drive their organization toward a future of greater efficiency and innovative growth. You can watch the video on SAFe Studio here.

Have a great week!

— Rebecca Davis and Harry Koehnnemann