Search Results for: PI Planning

97 results found.


PI execution. Planning for team and system demos – Teams plan how to demo the stories they defined during and after PI planning to implement features and meet their PI

Agile Teams

…common goal while leveraging the flexibility and autonomy of each team member in achieving their objectives. Planning occurs at two levels: ART PlanningPI Planning is the event where…

Implementation – Prepare for ART Launch

…which will create a starting point and define the planning timeline. The first step is establishing the ART cadence, including the PI and iteration lengths. The SAFe Big Picture shows…

PI Objectives

…in the upcoming PI and are either committed or uncommitted. During PI Planning, teams create PI objectives they intend to accomplish in the upcoming PI. These provide several benefits: Provide…

ART Flow

…yet firm scope management leadership, demonstrated during PI Planning, the PI itself, and Inspect & Adapt. Leave capacity for emergent priorities. An ART can plan only for the work it…

Business Owners

planning usually involve the following activities: The time before PI planning is a busy period for Business Owners. Responsibilities include: Provide input to backlog refinement – Participate in activities to…