Search Results for: metrics

73 results found.

Measure and Grow

…and even worse morale. 2. Apply metrics where they support improved decision-making A common trap when applying metrics is over-measuring for fear of not measuring enough. Although many metrics can…

Implementation – Accelerate

…understanding of where the impediments to flow are occurring. The best way to detect these impediments is to use SAFe’s Flow Metrics [1]. Once the current flow metrics are captured…


…essential. These metrics gauge economic outcomes and Customer (or end-user) satisfaction, which are evaluated against forecasted results defined as part of the original business hypothesis. Value metrics are sourced from…

System Architect

…Ramil, P. D. Wernick, D. E. Perry, and W. M. Turski. “Metrics and Laws of Software Evolution—The Nineties View.” Proceedings Fourth International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS ’97), 1997. Last update:…

Value Stream Management

…assess its value stream against defined performance targets. Proper metrics, both quantitative and qualitative, provide a foundation for effective decision-making, replacing opinions with facts. Flow metrics (Figure 8) offer a…

Solution Train Engineer

…SAFe Appreciating that measurements are derived from a variety of sources, including customers, the STEs: Identify meaningful metrics – Not all metrics are created equal, nor do they have the…

Coaching Flow

…the current state of the value stream. Once the current steps have been mapped, metrics are collected to understand where delays occur (Figure 4). The primary metrics used are Active…

Portfolio Flow

metrics for each ART’s capacity to prevent more work from going to the teams than they can reasonably analyze and implement. Ignore sunk costs. Stop significant initiatives if they no…