Search Results for: metrics

73 results found.

Team Flow

…phase gate reviews Required managerial review of artifacts and tasking micro-management Compensation and performance policies that reward the wrong kind of behavior Collecting and using metrics across teams as performance…

Solution Train Flow

…all SAFe’s Flow Metrics apply well to the Solution Train, flow time, load, and distribution are particularly relevant and are discussed below. Flow Time Building big systems creates a lot…

Team and Technical Agility

…– Agile teams track the flow, competency, and outcome metrics that gauge their performance and contribute to business agility. They use these measurements to continually fuel retrospectives, define new performance…

Release on Demand

…– Application telemetry is the primary mechanism to track and measure data usage against the hypothesis. Innovation accounting – Evaluating a hypothesis requires different metrics than those used to measure…

Development Value Streams

…flow metrics for the value stream offer strong evidence that substantial improvement is required. Only 5% of the flow time is value-added work time. The other 95% is spent waiting!…