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SAFe Studio Integration

By Harry Koehnemann

We are excited to announce a new integration between the SAFe Framework and SAFe Studio. This is the next step in providing you with a SAFe System to support your journey towards business agility. While the SAFe Framework is freely available, integrating the Framework with additional resources for learning, implementing, and practicing SAFe supports enterprises in putting SAFe to work.

Updated Navigation

This blog introduces the new SAFe Studio Navigation and how Framework users can leverage it to find the information they need. The image below shows the new navigation, with the Framework menus at the top and the SAFe Studio menus on the side.

The Framework menu provides quick access to local content like Contributors, the SAFe Blog, and Extended Guidance and Community Contribution articles. It also contains these popular links in the About menu:

  • What’s New in SAFe 6.0
  • Presentations & Videos
  • Posters and Graphics

Where can I find framework content in SAFe Studio?

The SAFe Studio Navigation bar provides quick access to all the resources we provide customers to support their SAFe transformation towards business agility – from courses to workshops to videos and more. Framework users will find the items they are familiar with under the Learn Menu (see figure below).

The Learn > Glossary menu item now takes you to the Glossary page. And the Resources & Media Library page makes these Framework items quickly accessible to all SAFe Studio users, as shown in the Figure below:

  • Introduction to SAFe (Presentations & Videos from the Framework site)
  • SAFe Posters & Graphics
  • Books on SAFe
  • Recommended Reading
  • Content and Trademark FAQ

We hope this article explains this next phase of the System of SAFe. As we continue integrating our system for learning, implementing, and practicing SAFe, we will keep you updated in this blog.

Thanks all.

—Harry and the Framework Team